The yearly weather in the Dominican Republic is very pleasant, and there isn’t much of a temperature difference through the year.
Many people ask us about the weather in Bayahibe before they plan their vacation here. To see the actual weather that we have right now, you read Daily Weather update or look at live stream camera here.
Of course it’s very hard to forecast what the weather is like at a certain time of the year, the weather is changing all over the world. But we can still look at some statistics from the past to guess what kind of weather to expect.
The average yearly temperatures are between 29C / 84 F – 32C / 89F during the day and at night around 23C / 73F during the summer months cooling down a bit during the winter months to 19C / 67F. The water temperature is usually only few degrees lower than the above water.
The driest months of the year are between January and April, the official hurricane season starts June 1 and ends November 30, but don’t expect to be raining all the time during those months.

Please don’t be disappointed if weather websites say rain, showers or storms, they are wrong most of the time . If it rains, it’s usually at night, if it’s during the day, it’s a quick 10 – 15 minutes shower followed by more sunshine. Pack some light long sleeve top (specially in the winter time), lots of sunscreen and good mood. Come and enjoy with us the great weather in Dominican Republic.